The only drawback is you can only use Logic on a Mac. Includes everything that Basic melody & loops creation includes plus. If you are serious about producing professional-quality recordings, the investment is well worth it. Check online to see if your motherboard etc is compatible. You can see if your current device is hackinstoshable. My 15 retina MacBook I bought second hand for half that money runs Logic Pro X smoothly. The loop library is diverse and uses the same great-sounding instruments. Unfortunately there is no way you can get a hold of LPX on windows. The virtual instruments are easy to control and sound eerily similar to their hardware counterparts. Easy-to-use interface, which is clear and simple. Two ways of working, automatically and graphically. Available in multiple formats: VST, Audio Units, TDM and RTAS. Use it for voice recordings, but also on other material.
Logic pro x for windows kickass driver#
If the device requires a driver to function, make sure an up-to-date driver is included with the device or that one is available from the manufacturer. Logic Pro X is the best splurge music production software available. Tone, tempo and pitch correction software. Logic Pro works with any audio interface thats compatible with your version of macOS. The software’s pitch correction algorithm is the best we tested and is much less robotic than those in other programs we reviewed. You can also use the flex time and flex pitch features to manually move a missed beat or fix a wrong note. The smart tempo feature automatically quantizes audio and MIDI files to match the tempo of the session. The editing tools in Logic are comparable to those found on the desks of professional sound engineers – if they use Macs, as Logic Pro X isn’t compatible with PC operating systems.